Sunday, March 20, 2005

China growth theatens the Mekong

"For countless generations, fishermen along the Mekong River have passed their lore and way of life from father to son: the rhythms of the water, the habits of the many kinds of fish, the best nets and traps to use to survive and prosper."

By Jane Perlez, The New York Times
Article Link

Yet, things will not carry on as smoothly with the Mekong in the future... that is, if China's insatiable demand for energy continues.

Will China be able to bridle its very high demand in power/electricity?

Would "clean" energy sources (wind, solar, wave, etc.) help save East Asias natural treasures?

Is the world going to end once China is fully industrialized?

What can "the West do"?

We need your input!

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